MAIN AIM OF the Project LIDS
Creation of a curriculum for learning digital skills for disadvantaged adults
A recent international survey on adult skills reveals in fact that the results of Europe are worse than those of many of its competitors.
• One-fifth of adults in the EU have very low levels of literacy and numerical calculation, while a quarter are not able to use digital technologies effectively.
• So, one adult in four is lacking in the digital skills necessary for a satisfactory participation in social and economic life, as well as in everyday life. In November 2011 the Council "The renewed European agenda for adult learning" (EAAL) was adopted by the Council which recognizes the need for all adults to regularly strengthen their personal and professional skills through flexible and high-quality learning at any time of life focusing on results. Therefore, we need training aimed at educators for effective adult integration. From a direct comparison with the partners the following needs emerged:
• Shortage of offer and quality learning opportunities based on the individual needs of adults in the digital environment.
• Difficulty in accessing courses to improve skills levels through informal and non-formal learning for adults.
• Low demand, motivation and participation of adults in progress towards the achievement of higher qualifications.
• Difficulties of participating organizations to identify quality learning paths tailored to the needs of individual adult learners.
• Difficulty of trainers to adapt and update themselves to new methods and best practices developed at European level in adult education.
• Lack of specialized trainers for adult education.
• increase participation rates in continuing education.
• The main point is to find out, which "digital learning content" is important to learn for persons, who are under skilled. This list of digital skills will form the LIDS Curriculum.
• Achievement of relevant and high-quality skills and competences
• Implement and transfer innovative practices at local, regional, national and European level
• Support positive and long-lasting effects on the participating organizations, systems and individuals directly and indirectly involved.
• Improve and expand the offer of personalized quality learning opportunities based on the needs of individual learners with low skills and less qualified in the digital environment
• Provide every adult with the possibility of widening their competencies.
• Developing their skills throughout life for increased life quality.
• Developing the individual and value creation and flexibility in working life.
• Train qualified educators who can help adults excluded or at risk of exclusion
• Developing a manual and a training course which can be individualized on the special needs of the trainees and the trainers.
• LIDS could be interesting for a long time for a lot of people, especially in education, because basic digital skills will be necessary to teach more and more in the future, and LIDS will show a possible Curriculum for these necessary skills.
- Educators in Adult Education Centres teaching disadvantaged adults
- Organizations for adult education
- Stakeholders for adult education, e.g. local authorities, companies, employment centres, policy makers, professionals and researchers
The project aims to disseminate good practices at European level through the training of trainers, who can provide digital skills, particularly in the use of social networks applied to the world of work to disadvantaged adults.
As part of this project, all partners involved gain insights into how our European neightbours are working with online and face to face educational formats and how to use the many tools in their own lessons.
By participating, all participants will be part of a European know-how transfer in the field of digital teaching and learning approaches between the participating adult education centres and various educational institutions.
• The professional development of those working in the adult education sector is a determining factor in the quality of learning.
• The initial training procedures for staff working in the adult education sector are important and decisive for the future success of the educational action.
• Through international mobility, the partnership and participants will be able to know different training, working methods and cultural conditions.
• They will transmit the new knowledge to a significant number of other stakeholders.
• Comparison of different work or different education systems, combined with the specialist skills of training providers and European strategies, is the most suitable way to provide clarification answer.
In the case of social inclusion, the resulting values of an initiative cannot simply be described as outcomes. In line with the Commission and with leading researchers in the field, the value of social inclusion processes is as much its processes as such as the products it delivers.
Adult educators will become more competent. They will be able to work with disadvantaged adults helping them overcome difficulties, cultural differences and barriers of various kinds. Organizations staff will become more competent and will learn from one another and share their experience and knowledge with colleagues from partner countries.
The contents of the training will be documented and/or filmed in order to create videos that will be uploaded on the social channels of the project and on the web platform of the project that will be open to everyone and will be interactive, with a view to learning based on e-learning.
The results will offer several powerful and high-quality outcomes, expected to have a real impact on relevant audiences.
RESULTS, EVENTS AND OUTCOME OF THE PROJECT "LIDS - Learning important digital skills" are
1. LIDS Manual as a digital book in WORD- and PDF-Format containing comparative studies in Europe on methods of approach and on necessary content of learning digital skills in the use of ICT for disadvantaged adults. LIDS will show in this manual a possible Curriculum for these necessary skills.
2. LIDS Training Course in PowerPoint-Format for organizations staff on how to relate and approach disadvantaged adults and help them to use digital tools applied to the way of work. Each partner develops specific topics on the digital skills that should be learned.
3. LIDS Training Events aimed at adult educators and/or disadvantaged adults. Each partner performs this exercise in their own organization and documents the process through reports, photos, films, and surveys.
4. LIDS Transnational Project Meetings: The TPMs are significant parts of the project. That's why each country is visited to get to know the peculiarities better. During the meetings at least, the following goals will be pursued:
a. Learn about the partner and the organization
b. Getting to know the education system for adults and disadvantaged adults.
c. To answer the question, which digital skills must be at least learned so that the adult can cope in his environment. Question: What is the necessary content of learning digital skills?
d. To answer the question, which methodical and didactic peculiarities exist in the visited country?
5. LIDS Web Platform containing all the material produced during the project and the documentation of the lessons conducted during the training events for adult educator and/or the disadvantaged adult. All material is presented under OER (Open Educational Resource).