First Transnational Project Meeting (Kick-Off-Meeting) in Schrobenhausen, Germany 10./11.10.2019
Second Transnational Project Meeting in Skopje, North-Macedonia 04./05.02.2020
The Transnational Project Meeting in Amaliada, Greece 16./17.06.2020 is postponed because of Corona-Crisis to February 2021
Instead of the meeting there was a Video-Conference done on 16.06.2020
Third Transnational Project Meeting in Limassol, Cyprus 08./09.10.2020
Two persons from Germany and 2 persons from Cyprus could meet in Limassol.
Here the photo in front of our partner school IMS in Limassol:
As the other participants could not attend the meeting because of Corona Crisis, we all had the chance to participate at the Videoconference on Thursday, 08.10.2020 at 14:00
Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Amaliada, Greece 17./18.02.2021 is cancelled because of Corona-Crisis.
Instead of the meeting there will be a Video-Conference on 18.02.2021
Video-Conference with all partners of LIDS on 18.02.2021
Fifth Transnational Project Meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 13./14.05.2021 is cancelled because of Corona-Crisis.
Video-Conference with all partners of LIDS on 05.05.2021 at 11:00
6 partners took part in the conference, 3 were excused.
Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Taranto, Italy 27./28.10.2021
This meeting was a real meeting from participants of the countries Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Spain combined with a video-conference for two partners, who could not come, Cyprus and Portugal.
Participants from Portugal and Cyprus take part of the meeting via video-conference.
Links to televison- and press-reports
Condivisione europea - la Ranghiera:
Radio Citadella Taranto:
Oltre il Fatto:
Box Tarentum:
Taranto abbraccia l’Europa con un progetto ambizioso che apre le porte agli adulti diverse realtà estere.
“LIDS (Learning important digital skills” 2019/2022) è un progetto Erasmus+ KA204 triennale il cui obiettivo più importante è diffondere buone pratiche, a livello europeo, attraverso la formazione di personale che possa fornire competenze digitali, in particolare nell’uso dei social network applicate al mondo del lavoro ad adulti svantaggiati. Il punto fondamentale è stato scoprire, utilizzando un questionario, quali “contenuti di apprendimento digitale” siano importanti da conoscere per le persone con scarse abilità – specifica Antonietta Iossa dirigente CPIA Taranto, referente per l’Italia -. Questa lista di competenze digitali ha reso indispensabile la creazione del Curriculum LIDS tradotto in 10 lingue: Inglese, Tedesco, Italiano, Bulgaro, Portoghese, Spagnolo, Cipriota, Sloveno, Macedone e Greco. Tutti i partner coinvolti in questo progetto hanno sviluppato l’idea e fornito gli strumenti, per la modalità online e in presenza, nel campo dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento digitale nei Centri di Istruzione ed Educazione degli Adulti”
Jana Gerstmair, referente per la Germania (scuola coordinatrice) ha sottolineato che una recente indagine internazionale sulle competenze degli adulti rivela che i risultati dell’Europa sono peggiori di quelli di altre zone del mondo.
Il progetto è diviso in quattro fasi:
- i coordinatori di ogni paese insieme ai loro team nazionali hanno creato le linee guida sulla formazione degli adulti con scarse abilità per migliorare le loro competenze anche utilizzando i giochi tradizionali più noti come motivazione. obiettivi: elaborare il manuale LIDS, creare il sito web del LIDS
- In questa fase le diverse linee guida vengono testate in ogni istituzione per l’educazione degli adulti che partecipa a questo progetto. obiettivi: rafforzare le capacità delle persone poco qualificate di ogni età, partecipare alla vita e imparare competenze interculturali.
I risultati sono i manuali tradotti. - nella terza fase si raccolgono i risultati della valutazione dei corsi e si prova come i giochi all’interno dei corsi abbiano aiutato gli insegnanti a motivare i partecipanti ad apprendere.
obiettivi: creare una connessione tra le persone abili e quelle meno abili; portare le competenze digitali nelle lezioni normali come un importante fattore motivante e aumentare gli incentivi per la formazione degli adulti.
I risultati sono il “Corso di formazione LIDS” e l'”Evento di formazione LIDS”. - In questa fase il risultato del progetto viene divulgato attraverso corsi di formazione per insegnanti, riviste, giornali, internet e direttamente attraverso un piano di diffusione.
Il finale è la “Presentazione LIDS”, che si terrà nel 2022.
Presenti all’evento che ha avuto luogo oggi nella sala degli specchi del comune di Taranto i rappresentanti dei nove paesi partecipanti (Italia,
Germania, Bulgaria, Portogallo, Spagna, Cipria, Slovacchia, Macedonia e Grecia),l’ associazione
vogatori Taranto e proloco di San Vito. Soddisfazione e particolare attenzione al progetto sono state espresse da Debora Cinquepalmi, assessore del comune di Taranto che è stata omaggiata di un kit del LIDS contenente anche la chiavetta con il progetto e un pumo artigianale e che ha consegnato un ricordo di Taranto.
Fifth Transnational Project Meeting in Litija and Ljubljana, Slovenia 01./02.12.2021
The fifth meeting was a blended meeting, because of Corona Virus just 9 people from 4 countries could meetin Ljubljana, Slovenia, the rest of the group took part via video-conference.
Sixth Transnational Project Meeting in Patras, Greece 02./03.03.2022
All participating countries were present: Greece, Spain and Germany were on site, the other countries connected online.
Almost all the work is done. Only the evaluation survey still has to be carried out.
Each partner described their project activities.
Is the next meeting in Bulgaria possible and should it take place? For this purpose, a survey will be started on April 4th, 2022, which countries want and can participate!
These last two meetings should definitely take place when the situation permits.
Please upload all travel documents (flight tickets) to GoogleDrive if you have not already done so.
The evaluation sheet is enclosed with this mail. Please fill out this form by April 15, 2022 and upload it to GoogleDrive.
Seventh Transnational Project Meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 27./28.04.2022
Summary of the Videoconference and the Meeting in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
- Welcoming all participants to the blended conference (10 Persons from 4 countries are live in Plovdiv, participants from 5 more countries online)
- Administration
- We only use two types of costs:
flat rate for administration costs and flat rate for mobility - Each partner country has 16 mobilities for the whole project, the co-ordinator has 24 mobilities.
- We must proof the mobilities by doing a participation-list with the signs of all participants and for each participant an individual certification of attendance. Both is to be uploaded to our Google Drive. Additional you should upload the flight tickets.
- Participation in a videoconference instead of a transnational project meeting is not extra paid.
- Result: Try to come with more people to the last two meetings. Otherwise, you have to pay back part of the costs for mobilities.
- We only use two types of costs:
- Meeting in Portugal:
Please fill in the list of attendance in our Google Drive. - Final Meeting in Don Benito:
Please fill in the list of attendance in our Google Drive. - Upcoming Work: A lot of participants already have done the final work, which is to fill in the Evaluation form. The final date for uploading it to our Google Drive is 15.06.22
Our Evaluator Heinrich Hausknecht will do a summary of evaluation for the final report. - Dissemination: Our website is almost complete. You can disseminate the link for our website to other people and institutions, to download and use the materials.
- Reports and questions by the partners, if necessary.
- Goodbye, the next videoconference is on 18.05. at 11:00
Eighth Transnational Project Meeting in Porto, Portugal 18./19.05.2022
LIDS Project Meeting in Porto-Portugal - short report
Portugal warmly welcomes the 20 people from the partner countries. The day before, a group had already met for dinner in a typical restaurant.
The attendance certification is on the Google Drive and can be printed by each partner.
Roland asks all partners as always to upload the flight tickets on the Google Drive.
The project progress is on schedule. Except for Portugal, all partners have already completed all activities.
So that until the next and last meeting in Spain also the evaluation can take place.
All partners should please check the homepage again, regarding the information about the partners themselves as well as about the project results.
Please email any change requests to Roland.
Spain presented their proposal of the agenda for the last meeting. The meeting will take place as scheduled from 22 June to 23 June 2022.
The Travel Form will be completed regarding the use of the various offerings. As well as the requests regarding meals. Since the place Don Benito is rather small,
a very early notification to the partner country regarding the number of people is necessary so that reservations can be made in advance at the hotel.
Please mail here as soon as possible. Spain will try to negotiate a special price and will also inform us as soon as possible. Current price is 65 Euro per person including breakfast.
Roland and I would appreciate it very much if all partner countries would be present in person for this last meeting. We would like to celebrate and toast the very good result of the project together with all of you. Flights are possible to Madrid or Seville. Then a rental car is necessary to get to Don Benito.
Duration between 2 and 3 hours. Partners should please book flights quickly. Spain will send an invitation to all with the agenda via mail in the next days.
Jana thanks the partner from Portugal for hosting the meeting and thanks for the invitation to lunch in the university canteen. A special experience for all of us.
Pictures from the meeting will be published in the Drive as well as on the website.
Jana Gerstmair, 19.05.2022
Ninth Transnational Project Meeting in Don Benito, Spain 22./23.06.2022
Visit to the Mayor and the School Authorities of Don Benito
LIDS Group in Don Benito