The four phases of the Project LIDS
The project is divided into four phases. In all these phases mobilities in form of LIDS Transnational Project Meetings are necessary for project coordinators and/or staff and participants and through all this phases the LIDS Website is upgraded.
The first phase (Sept. 2019 to June 2020):
In this phase, the coordinators in each country together with their national teams will create guidelines, how under skilled people should be trained to improve their ICT skills. Meetings of all the coordinators will help to give this elaboration a similar structure. The result are guidelines for some courses in each country, in which under skilled people could improve their knowledge considering using computers as a motivation.
At the same time, the project participants will interview people and make surveys (see below) to find themes, which are necessary to learn. The result is a list of objectives, which adult persons should learn, a manual with a curriculum.
The aims and results of this phase are
- to elaborate LIDS Manual in English using the methodical help learning digital knowledge for under skilled people with a so-called LIDS Curriculum,
- to establish the LIDS website:
The second phase (July 2020 to Jan 2021):
In this phase the different guidelines are translated into all participants languages and tested in each institution for adult education, which take part in this project. The manuals are made for courses in each country. As there are really nine different partners (schools, adult education centres, universities, NGO’s, ...), the manuals are tested as well under different conditions.
At the same time some examples of the ICT tasks are learned by people in these courses in different countries. These activities will take place in all the participating organizations and they are reported by photos, text, and videos. The trainers in adult learning organizations test the integration of ICT-tasks inside their lessons.
The aims of this phase are
- to strengthen the abilities of low-skilled people at every age (key competences in digital skills for employability) and
- to participate in life as well as learning intercultural competences (key competences for social integration).
The results are the translated 9 LIDS Manuals.
The third phase (Feb. 2021 to Dec. 2021):
In this phase, the results of the evaluation of the courses are collected in PowerPoint pages and it is to be proofed, how the ICT tasks inside the courses could be learned.
At the same time the results are shown to the public and to our participants. This should bring adults
and young people with different skills together and helps to transfer the digital skills into lessons.
The aims of this phase are
- to make a connection between normal and lower skilled persons and
- to bring a selection of digital skills from the curriculum into normal lessons as an important motivating factor and to increase incentives for adult training.
The results are the "LIDS Training Course" in PowerPoint pages and the reports about the "LIDS Training Event" - to work out a dissemination plan.
The fourth phase (Jan 2022 to July 2022):
In this phase the project result is disseminated via teacher trainings, journals, newspapers, internet and direct by post (see dissemination plan).
The best final point is the "LIDS Presentation", which is held in 2022. The result is the "LIDS Evaluation Report".
How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners?
There is a contract between the
- coordinator of the project (CP) and the
- coordinators of the project partners (CPP).
Concerning the work everybody has to agree with the following rules:
- In each country there is one person responsible for the project, the CPP.
- The plan of the cooperation has to be followed strictly, the CPP has to proof it weekly.
- Cooperation and communication among all project partners is done mainly via email, every CPP has to check his email daily.
- Once a week or when it is necessary there is a discussion via Skype planned among the CP and all CPPs.
- For the results, pictures and files we have our own workspace in the Internet.
- The progress of the project is always to be seen in our project-website, which is open for everybody:
- Website and workspace are provided by the CP
- The purpose of the transnational project meetings are the result of the work-progress.
Especially the meetings help the CPPs to learn to know the local environment, follow the project and
finalize their work.
- The amount of 9 countries and the quantity and quality of the outcome makes it is necessary, to do a three years project with three meetings in each year.
- All the meetings are exclusively done by the coordinators of each countries and/or the deputy of them.